Welcome Video

Introduction to The Crew

One of the first steps to complete after joining The Crew is introducing yourself. This is not a mandatory requirement, but we think it’s helpful for us to get to know each other. We are building a community of traders that we can all learn from.

First, read Rules of The Boards. This goes over the guidelines on how to be a good Crew member.

To create your first post go to the Introduction board and read Your Introduction Post. After that go back to Introduction and click on the blue “Add topic” button. Tell us as little or as much about yourself as you want.

Read about some of the other traders who are part of The Crew.

There are two other boards to know about. Everything Trading is where we talk about the markets. And Off Topic is where you can talk about anything not related to the markets.

Vote for the times that best work for you to attend live presentations.

Market Commentary

Steven will be sharing his market insights every two to four weeks at Market Commentary.  In all of the years I’ve traded with Steven, he has consistently looked at global macro trends as well as taking a bird’s eye view of what’s going on in the markets often using weekly and monthly time frames. There are often “aha moments” by looking at the data this way.

During multiple decades of trading he has developed a unique and insightful (as well as profitable) “feel” for the markets. He gathers data from multiple sources and brings it together to form a view of the market that often helps me with my trading allocation and view of where the markets are going.

For those that actually trade the indices, this is invaluable.  Steven uses his research to put together his own e-mini trades that have been consistently profitable.  I don’t know of other traders who continue to put together index trades as profitably.

If you would like to contribute by adding your own market views, there are several ways to do this


Tips on using the Forums

Strategy Vault

The Strategy Vault is divided into two sections.

1 – The Crew strategies
These are strategies developed just for you. All the rules are provided along with a spreadsheet of the results. We have tested lots of different parameters so that you can find a variation that meets your needs. AmiBroker code for generating entry signals is also provided.

The best part is that we will always be researching and adding strategies. You can make suggestions on new strategies to test or new rules to test on old strategies. Together we can build a great set of strategies. Submit your ideas on the Everything Trading board

Every month you will get access to a strategy that was created before you were a member of The Crew. You also get immediate access to any strategy created while you are a member.

2- Tranquility Trading Strategies.
You get access to all the Tranquility Trading strategy signals as a member of The Crew. These are black box strategies, meaning no rules are provided. Just the signals.

You can either trade the strategy or use them like Steven does: as hit list of preselected stocks to do extra analysis on. Then choose the ones you want to trade.

Trader’s College

At the Trader College, you will have access to short presentations about various trading subjects.

Get immediate access to presentations about

  • Position sizing
  • Using stops

Some of these topics will be presented live for The Crew, giving you the opportunity to join in and ask questions. If you can’t make the live presentation or didn’t catch all the details the first time through, no problem. They will be recorded.

Every month you will get access to a new presentation that was given before you were a member of The Crew. You get immediate access to any presentation given while you are a member.

Got an idea for a presentation subject? You can email us or post it on the Everything Trading board.


Thank you,

For joining The Crew. My goal is to created a community of traders to learn from, support in trading and talk about what we love, the markets.