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Trader College

If you have a topic that you want covered email us or post to the community. These are all video presentations.

Position Sizing

Using Stops: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Hidden Pitfalls from a Margin Addict

Bear Markets Through the Decades

Ask Me Anything – June 2023

How commissions change results in Tranquility Trading strategies.

Getting started in Quantified Trading

Combining Equity Curves

Trading Multiple Strategies

When to stop trading a strategy. When to resume trading it.

Picking The One from an optimization run

Trading options on Tech Comets

Parameter Sensitivity Analysis

Real Test Backtesting Software

Steven’s Option Trading Part 1

Steven’s Option Trading Part 2

Mean Reversion Drawdown Reduction

Strategy Inversion

Batman Option Trade

LEAPS for long term trades

TradeMachine Options Testing

Daily Trading Process

Using Probability Cones to Test for Strategy Death

On Drawdowns

Alvarez Quant Courses


These are courses that are available to purchase on the Alvarez Quant Trading site but are free for Crew members. The course material is dripped out. Meaning you do not get access to it all right away. Go to each course to see when you get access.



These are courses that are available to purchase on the Alvarez Quant Trading site but are discounted for Crew members. When you are ready to purchase the course, contact me and mention that you are now entitled to the discount.

AmiBroker Custom Backtester Course

AmiBroker Rotational Strategies Course

AmiBroker Adaptive Trading Strategies Course