Category Archives for "LET-Public"

January 21, 2015

Which portfolio should I trade?

I know it seems obvious that the best portfolio must be the one with the highest compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) which is the Acrux portfolio. It has a CAGR of 31.5% since 2007.  The problem with choosing this way is that you need to understand all of the statistics of the strategy.  For instance, this portfolio has an average of the 3 worst drawdowns of 16.3%. That’s the average. The worst drawdown was 22%.  And, Cesar and I have saying…


”the worst drawdown is the one that’s coming.”


We can’t tell you what portfolio to choose and you really have to know yourself.  If you have a large nest egg built up, and you have low risk tolerance, I would trade Shaula. This portfolio has had a CAGR of  19.4% and a maximum drawdown of 9.9% with an average of the 3 worst drawdowns of 9.4%.  This strategy is amazing.

Well where do the other 2 portfolios fit in your decision making, Acrux and Beetlejuice? Acrux did great during the 2008 meltdown with a return of 77%. While Beetlejuice has not had a losing year and on a rolling twelve month basis the worst return is positive 6.6% which is incredible.

If you look at your past trading and your emotions about trading, you already know the answer as to what is the best portfolio for you.


If you have any questions, please contact us.
Cesar & Steven